Net Let III Netting machine - Self-probelled

The Net-Let III as the Net-Let II equipped, however this
machine is also equipped with a dirigible hydraulic driving
wheel, which makes the machine self-propelled.

Standard with 3 funnels on revolving console. Clamp hook,
which pulls the trees through the funnels. Knife for cutting
the net. Trailer hitch with supporting wheel. Hydraulic sy-
stem with 13 HP Honda engine. Self-propelled by means
of a dirigible drive wheel.

Ø25 – Ø34 – Ø45 cm funnels
Clamp hook, knife and draw rod of the net
Drawing length 2200 mm
Safety guard
Drive for trailer hitch
Hydraulic driving wheel
13 HP Honda petrol engine, self-starter
Weight 550 kg

Self-releasing tongs

Electrical system that makes the machine start
automatically, when the mechanical tongs close
around the tree

Rear wheel drive, incl. mounting
Rear wheel drive, alteration excl. mounting
Free-wheeling hub with rear wheel drive

Hydraulic clip machine for closing the net in both ends
and cutting over the net

Manual clip machine for closing the net in both ends
and cutting over the net

Carrier for the net and tools
Working light
Piece counter
Side table, fold down